Translate table  Translate table properties

Chapter 5: Customizing the DB2 UDB Option for CICS Messages

Example of translate table source code

The editable SOURCE library member (AMD2CAMX) of the translate table contains a series of SYRTMAMX macro entries, such as those shown in the following example:

    SYRTMAMX TYPE=ENTRY,             *
         SQLCODE=+802,               *
         MSGNR=30001,                *
         LEVEL=11,                   *
         STATEC=22,                  *
         STATESC=3,                  *
         LOG=N,                      *
         SQLFATAL=N                   *
    SYRTMAMX TYPE=ENTRY,             *
         SQLCODE=-007,               *
         MSGNR=102,                  *
         LEVEL=11,                   *
         STATEC=31,                  *
         STATESC=503,                *
         LOG=N,                      *

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