Errors associated with parse exit routine execution can occur before the routine is called, during the routine’s processing, and after the routine returns to AMD2. This section describes the types of errors and their consequences, so that you can provide appropriate error handling code in your routine.
The parse exit routine is not invoked if an error occurs in AMD2 processing before the parse exit call. Error 33233 is sent to the client if this occurs.
Errors that occur during the processing of your routine produce the following results:
If your routine abnormally ends (abends) and your code does not handle the abend, the DB2 UDB Option for CICS abends and the appropriate messages may not be returned.
If your routine abends and your code handles the abend, the DB2 UDB Option for CICS may not be aware of the abend, depending upon how your abend handler is written.
If your routine contains an internal logic error, the results may be unpredictable.
Errors that result from exit routine processing can occur after the routine returns to AMD2.
If your routine acquires additional storage and incorrectly alters the pointer to the SQL text, the DB2 UDB Option for CICS abends when AMD2 issues a FREEMAIN command to deallocate the additional storage.
If the modifications of the SQL text are invalid, DB2 performs its usual error handling. Any DB2 error that occurs in batched SQL commands terminates the entire batch, unless the Stop_on_error property is set.
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