Messages mapped to Adaptive Server messages  Defining log files to CICS

Appendix A: Error Messages

How errors are logged

The AMD2 message table determines the logging of errors for the DB2 UDB Option for CICS. If the translation table LOG property is Y for a given message, that message writes to the AMD2LOG error log. Like other parts of the message table, the value of the LOG property can be changed to meet a customer’s error logging requirements.

AMD2LOG and AMD2LOGO are VSAM ESDS files installed as part of the product. Logged errors initially write to the AMD2LOG file. When the AMD2LOG file fills or ceases to accept messages for any reason, errors are written to the overflow file, AMD2LOGO.

When errors are written to the overflow file, you should close, archive (if desired), and purge the AMD2LOG file. While AMD2LOG is closed, errors write to AMD2LOGO. When AMD2LOG is reopened, the system programmer can close, archive, and purge AMD2LOGO. When AMD2LOGO is closed, errors automatically redirect to AMD2LOG.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Defining log files to CICS

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