Chapter 6: Using Stored Procedures  Remote stored procedures

Chapter 6: Using Stored Procedures

DB2 stored procedures

The DB2 UDB Option for CICS supports the use of DB2 stored procedures in both a two-tier, gateway-less, and a three-tier, gateway-enabled environment.

StepsExecuting a DB2 stored procedure:

  1. Define an RPC that has the same case-sensitive name as the DB2 stored procedure you want to use.

  2. Make sure the CICS transaction name to which the RPC is mapped has a DB2 UDB Option setting for the RPC option of the DB2 stored procedure.

  3. Execute the defined RPC with parameters matching the definition of the DB2 stored procedure.

For information on writing and using DB2 stored procedures, refer to the appropriate IBM documentation.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Remote stored procedures

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