Capabilities and limitations of cursor commands  Using updatable cursors

Chapter 6: Issuing SQL Statements

Using read-only cursors

When you write an application using read-only cursors, consider the following:

The fetch count is automatically set to 1, unless you set it to a different number. If you change the fetch count to 20, DirectConnect fetches 20 rows at a time.

The following code fragment shows the sequence of CT-Library calls used to declare, open, fetch, close, and free a read-only cursor.

 ** This sample code fragment illustrates the CT-Library calls that are 
 ** used to declare, open, fetch, close and deallocate a read-only
 ** cursor. Error handling and other details are omitted for the sake of
 ** brevity.
 ** NOTE: Ellipses in the following represent code that you must supply.
 	** Initialize CT-Lib, establish a connection to DirectConnect.
 	** Set cursor behavior on COMMIT so that cursors will maintain
 	** their position and not be closed.
 	retcode = ct_cmd_alloc( connection, &cmd );
 	strcpy( lang, "SET CLOSEONENDTRAN OFF" );
 	retcode = ct_command( cmd, CS_LANG_CMD, lang, CS_NULLTERM,
 	** Send the batch and check results.
 	retcode = ct_send( cmd );
 	retcode = handleresults( cmd );
 	** We are going to declare the cursor on the statement:
 	** Allocate a CS_DATAFORMAT structure for the parameter and fill 
 	** in the relevant fields. In this case, the parameter is char(2).
 	dfmt = malloc( sizeof(CS_DATAFMT) );
 	memset( dfmt, 0, sizeof(CS_DATAFMT) );
 	dfmt->status = CS_INPUTVALUE;
 	dfmt->format = CS_UNUSED;
 	dfmt->datatype = CS_CHAR_TYPE;
 	** 	Declare the cursor, using cursor name "CURS1".
 	retcode = ct_cursor( cmd, CS_CURSOR_DECLARE, "CURS1", CS_NULLTERM,
 	** Describe the parameter.
 	retcode = ct_param( cmd, &dfmt, NULL, CS_UNUSED, 0 );
 	** Set the fetch count to 20.
 	retcode = ct_cursor( cmd, CS_CURSOR_ROWS, NULL, CS_UNUSED,
 		NULL, CS_UNUSED, 20 );
 	** Send the batch and check results.
 	retcode = ct_send( cmd );
 	retcode = handleresults( cmd );
 	** Now open the cursor with host variable value = 'CA'
 	strcpy( parmval, "CA" );
 	datlen = 2;
 	nullind = 0;
 	retcode = ct_cursor( cmd, CS_CURSOR_OPEN, NULL, CS_UNUSED, NULL,
 	** Send the parameter.
 	retcode = ct_param( cmd, &dfmt, parmval, datlen, nullind );
 	** Send the batch and check results.
 	retcode = ct_send( cmd );
 	retcode = handleresults( cmd );
 	** Describe and bind the result set.
 	** Find out how many columns there are in this result set.
 	** Make sure that there is at least 1 column.
 	retcode = ct_res_info( cmd, CS_NUMDATA, &ncols, CS_UNUSED, NULL );
 	** Allocate memory for each column's CS_DATAFMT, a data pointer,
 	** data length, and null indicator.
 	** Loop through the columns getting a description of each one and
 	** binding each one to a program variable.
 	for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
 		** Get the column description. ct_describe() fills the
 		** datafmt parameter with a description of the column.
 		retcode = ct_describe( cmd, (i + 1), &(coldata[i].dfmt) );
 		** Update the datafmt structure to indicate the form in
 		** which we want to get the data. Set the datatype,
 		** format, maximum length, etc.
 		** Allocate memory for the actual column data.
 		** Now bind.
 		retcode = ct_bind( cmd, (i + 1), &(coldata[i].dfmt ),
 		coldata[i].data, &( coldata[i].datlen ),&( coldata
 		[i].nullind) );
 	** Fetch 1 row.
 	retcode = ct_fetch( cmd, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED,
 		&rows_read );
 	** Check the results of the fetch.
 	if (retcode == CS_ROW_FAIL)
 	** Fetch failed.
 	else if (retcode != CS_SUCCEED)
 	if (retcode == CS_END_DATA)
 		** End of data has been reached.
 		retcode = handleresults( cmd );
 		goto CLOSECURS;
 		** Fetch failed.
 ** We have a row of data.
 ** Close and free the cursor.
 retcode = ct_cursor( cmd, CS_CURSOR_CLOSE, NULL, CS_UNUSED, NULL,
 ** Send the batch and check results.
 retcode = ct_send( cmd );
 retcode = handleresults( cmd );

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Using updatable cursors

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