Datatype conversions from Open Client and Open Server to DB2  Corresponding Open Client and Open Server datatypes and Adaptive Server datatypes

Chapter 4: Converting Datatypes

Datatype names

An access service receives datatype names as part of create table or alter table commands. If the DB2 access service is in passthrough mode, the datatype names are not modified. If the DB2 access service is in sybase mode, Open Client and Open Server datatype names are converted to the target-specific datatype names that correspond to the Open Client and Open Server datatypes. A target database might not be able to support all Open Client and Open Server datatypes, but permits conversion to an equivalent or compatible datatype. For example, the Open Client and Open Server CS_MONEY datatype can be converted to a numeric (19,4) or equivalent datatype.

For more information about passthrough mode and sybase mode, see “SQL transformation modes”.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Corresponding Open Client and Open Server datatypes and Adaptive Server datatypes

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