Data conversion errors  Real number testing

Chapter 4: Converting Datatypes

FLOAT and REAL conversion

DB2 FLOAT and REAL datatypes have approximately the same precision but different ranges from the corresponding Open Client and Open Server types. Values that are valid in Open Client and Open Server may be out of range for DB2. The following table shows the approximate ranges for DB2 FLOAT and REAL datatypes, and Open Client and Open Server CS_FLOAT and CS_REAL datatypes.

Table 4-3: Ranges for DB2 and Open Client and Open Server FLOAT and REAL

DB2 datatype

Approximate range

Open Client and Open Server datatype

Approximate range


-7.2E75 to +7.2E75


-1.7977E308 to +1.7977E308


-7.2E75 to +7.2E75


-3.4028E38 to +3.4028E38

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Real number testing

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