Configuring Adaptive Server for remote access  Executing a SQL Server stored procedure

Chapter 7: Issuing Remote Procedure Calls

Defining the DirectConnect service as a remote server

To define the DirectConnect DB2 access service as a remote server, enter each DirectConnect DB2 access service name in the Adaptive Server SYSSERVERS table using the following command:

sp_addserver service_name

where service_name is the name of the DirectConnect service you want to set up as a remote server. The name is case sensitive and must match the name you used to define the connectivity between Adaptive Server and the DirectConnect DB2 access service.

To verify that the DirectConnect service is successfully defined as a remote server, enter:

select service_name from sysservers

If data rows return, you successfully defined the DirectConnect access service as a remote server.

When Adaptive Server issues an RPC to a DirectConnect DB2 access service, it attempts to connect using a service name identical to the Adaptive Server identifier in the interfaces file.

To support Adaptive Server RPC events, perform either one of the following procedures:

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Executing a SQL Server stored procedure

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