Transfer properties  Chapter 4: Converting Datatypes

Chapter 3: Querying and Setting Operating Values

Querying and setting processing values

The following table shows global variables and set statements used to query and set processing values for the client connection.

Table 3-8: Global variables and set statements for processing values

Global variable and set statement


select @@AllResults

set AllResults {autoconvert | char}

Returns group datatype conversions.

Sets group datatype conversions:

  • autoconvert sets all datatype conversions to the default values.

  • char sets all datatype conversions to CS_CHAR.

select @@CloseOnEndTran

set CloseOnEndTran {on | off}

Returns how cursors behave when a commit is executed.

Determines how cursors behave when a commit is executed:

  • on (the default) causes all cursors to be closed.

  • off causes cursors to remain open at their positions when the commit is executed.

select @@Connections

No set statement

Returns the current number of connections to this DB2 access service.

select @@DefaultedRowCount

No set statement

Returns the number of rows the DB2 access service returned with default values substituted for data conversion errors.

select @@Error

No set statement

Reflects the message number of each event. A successful event returns a 0 (zero).

select @@MainframeVersion

No set statement

Returns the version of MainframeConnect for DB2.

select @@noexec

set noexec {on | off}

Returns whether metadata are returned for a select statement result set.

Determines whether metadata are returned for a select statement result set:

  • on sets the DB2 access service to handle subsequent select statements such that no results rows are returned, but result set metadata are available.

  • off (the default) returns the DB2 access service to the normal mode of returning result sets.

select @@RejectedRowCount

No set statement

Returns the number of rows rejected by the DB2 access service due to data conversion errors.

select @@RowCount

No set statement

Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement processed.

select @@ServiceName

No set statement

Returns this DB2 access service name.

select @@spid

No set statement

Returns a unique positive integer identifier (server process ID) for the current client connection.

select @@TargetError

No set statement

Returns the message number of the last target database error.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 4: Converting Datatypes

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