Chapter 7: Issuing Remote Procedure Calls  Creating a SQL Server stored procedure

Chapter 7: Issuing Remote Procedure Calls

Setting up Adaptive Server and DirectConnect connections

StepsTo set up Adaptive Server for RPCs against the DirectConnect access service.

  1. Create an Adaptive Server user ID and password that matches a DirectConnect service host user ID and password.

    For instructions on creating the ID and password, see your Adaptive Server documentation.

  2. Configure Adaptive Server for remote access.

  3. Define each DirectConnect service as a remote server.

  4. Define connectivity between Adaptive Sever and the DirectConnect DB2 access service.

NoteTo set up connectivity for a remote server, see the appropriate Adaptive Server documentation for the platform on which your Adaptive Server resides.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Creating a SQL Server stored procedure

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