Specifies the character the client application uses to separate decimal numbers for presentation purposes. The target database does not store the client decimal delimiter character.
ClientDecimalSeparator=[. | ,]
. (period)
A period (.) indicates that the client application uses a period as the decimal delimiter.
A comma (,) indicates that the client application uses a comma as the decimal delimiter.
If some of your client applications use a different character as a decimal delimiter, make sure that those applications connect to a DB2 access service configuration set that uses the same client decimal delimiter character.
If the client decimal delimiter is a comma (,), set the DecimalResults property value to char to enable the DB2 access service to return decimal results with a comma as the client decimal delimiter.
If the SQLTransformation property value is passthrough, use the TargetDecimalSeparator value for all SQL requests going to the target database. For example, if the TargetDecimalSeparator value is a period (.), use a period for the decimal delimiter in all SQL requests going to the target database (such as insert statements).
For information about SQL transformation modes, see “SQL transformation modes”.
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