Resuming a TDS session  Appendix A: SQL Exception and Warning Messages

Chapter 6: Web Server Gateways

TDS and Netscape Enterprise Server 3.5.1 on Solaris

Netscape Enterprise Server 3.5.1 does not support the javax.servlet.ServletConfig.getInitParameters( ) or javax.servlet.ServletConfig.getInitParameterNames( ) methods. To provide the necessary parameter values, you need to replace calls to getInitParameter( ) and getInitParameterNames( ) with hard-coded parameter values in

To enter the required parameter values in and use TDS tunnelling with Netscape Enterprise Server 3.5.1 on Solaris:

  1. Hard code parameter values in

  2. Create .class files from the class declarations in

    This should result in the following files:

  3. Create a directory for the .class files under your Netscape Enterprise Server 3.5.1 (NSE_3.5.1) installation directory, as follows:

    mkdir NSE_3.5.1_install_dir/plugins/java/servlets/gateway
  4. Copy the .class files derived from to the directory you just created.

  5. Copy the classes under $JDBC_HOME/classes/com/sybase to NSE_3.5.1_install_dir/docs/com/sybase.

    An easy way to do this is to recursively copy everything under $JDBC_HOME/classes to NSE_3.5.1_install_dir/docs, as:

    cp -r $JDBC_HOME/classes NSE_3.5.1_install_dir/docs

    This copies a number of files and directories that are not under $JDBC_HOME/classes/com/sybase. The extra files and directories are harmless, but take up disk space. You can delete them to reclaim the disk space.

  6. Set the proxy URL to the TDS-tunnelling servlet.

    For example, in $JDBC_HOME/sample2/gateway.html, you would edit the proxy parameter to appear as follows:

    <param name=proxy value=”http://hostname/servlet/

Copyright © 2003. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Appendix A: SQL Exception and Warning Messages

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