Appendix B: jConnect Sample Programs  Running jConnect sample programs and code

Appendix B: jConnect Sample Programs

Running IsqlApp

IsqlApp allows you to issue isql commands from the command line, and run jConnect sample programs.

The syntax for IsqlApp is:

IsqlApp [-U username] [-P password]
   [-S servername]
   [-G gateway]
   [-p {http|https}]
   [-D debug-class-list]
   [-I input-command-file]
   [-c command_terminator]
   [-C charset] [-L language]
   [-T sessionID]
   [-V <version {2,3,4,5}>]




The login ID with which you want to connect to a server.


The password for the specified login ID.


The name of the server to which you want to connect.


Gateway address. For the HTTP protocol, the URL is: http://host:port.

To use the HTTPS protocol that supports encryption, the URL is https://host:port/servlet_alias.


Specifies whether you want to use the HTTP protocol or the HTTPS protocol that supports encryption.


Turns on debugging for all classes or for just the ones you specify, separated by a comma. For example,


displays debugging output for all classes.

-D SybConnection, Tds

displays debugging output only for the SybConnection and Tds classes.


Turns on verbose output for display or printing.


Causes IsqlApp to take commands from a file instead of the keyboard.

After the parameter, you specify the name of the file to use for the IsqlApp input. The file must contain command terminators (“go” by default).


Lets you specify a keyword (for example, “go”) that, when entered on a line by itself, terminates the command. This lets you enter multiline commands before using the terminator keyword. If you do not specify a command terminator, each new line terminates a command.


Specifies the character set for strings passed through TDS.

If you do not specify a character set, IsqlApp uses the server’s default charset.


The language in which to display error messages returned from the server and for jConnect messages.


When this parameter is set, jConnect assumes that an application is trying to resume communication on an existing TDS session held open by the TDS-tunnelling gateway. jConnect skips the login negotiations and forwards all requests from the application to the specified session ID.


Enables the use version-specific characteristics. See “JCONNECT_VERSION connection property”.

NoteYou must enter a space after each option flag.

To obtain a full description of the command-line options, enter:

java IsqlApp -help

The following example shows how to connect to a database on a host named “myserver” through port “3756” and run an isql script named “myscript”:

java IsqlApp -U sa -P sapassword 
   -S jdbc:sybase:Tds:myserver:3756 
   -I $JDBC_HOME/sp/myscript -c run

NoteAn applet that provides GUI access to isql commands is available as: $JDBC_HOME/sample2/gateway.html (UNIX) %JDBC_HOME%\sample2\gateway.html (Windows)

Copyright © 2003. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Running jConnect sample programs and code

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