Managing security realms and roles  Establishing Web service access

Chapter 4: Web Services Administration

Managing roles

A role can consist of authorized users, authorized digital Ids and authorized operating system users. Create a role in a security realm. Add roles at the Web service or Web service operation level to restrict access to those resources.

NoteWhen you manage roles from the WST development tool, you manipulate the Repository of the server to which you are connected. When you add, delete, or otherwise modify a role, those changes are reflected in EAServer Manager.

StepsCreating a role

  1. Expand the security realm.

  2. Right-click the Roles icon and then select Create role.

  3. Enter a role name and description and click OK.

StepsDeleting an existing role

  1. Expand the security realm.

  2. Expand the roles icon.

  3. Right-click the role and then select Delete.

StepsAllowing a user, group, or digital ID access to a role

Each role can include specific user names and digital IDs. If you use native operation system authentication, you can also include operating system group names; all users in the specified group are affected.

  1. Expand the security realm.

  2. Expand the roles icon.

  3. Expand the role.

  4. Right click one of the following:

  5. Supply the name of the allowed user, group, or ID.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Establishing Web service access

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