Using stack traces  EAServer traces

Chapter 1: Monitoring Techniques

Obtaining stack traces

The EAServer process stack trace contains information about the active threads for the process.

StepsObtaining a stack trace in Windows

  1. Change to the %JAGUAR%/bin directory.

  2. Open the serverstart.bat file, and look for the line that contains:

    jagsrvagent.exe -servername %ServerName% .... 2>&1 tee ...
  3. Remove “2>&1 tee”, then save and close the file.

  4. Restart EAServer.

  5. Ctrl+Break

StepsObtaining a stack trace in UNIX

  1. In UNIX, to generate a JVM full thread dump, enter:

    kill -QUIT EAServer_process_id

    This does not work if you use “-Xrs” as a JVM parameter.

    NoteAIX may need special configuration for a full dump.

    On the Solaris platform, to generate a C back trace, you can use pstack, which is located in /usr/proc/bin.

Another alternative is to generate a core file—see “UNIX core files”.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. EAServer traces

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