Check logs and error messages  Invoke operations and create a test client

Chapter 6: Advanced Topics

Verify WSDL files and SOAP addresses

For a specific collection, EAServer allows you to generate a list of its Web services, links to their corresponding Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files, and a list of the operations in each service. To display this information, open a Web browser, and access the following URL, where host represents the machine name where EAServer is running, http_port is the port number of the EAServer HTTP listener, and collection is the name of the Web service collection:


For example, the following URL:


could generate the output below for the ws service, which includes two Web services, n_pbhello and GoogleSearchPort:

n_pbhello (WSDL link)
  o fhello

GoogleSearchPort (WSDL link)
  o doGetCachedPage
  o doSpellingSuggestion
  o doGoogleSearch

To verify a WSDL file, click the WSDL link. The contents of the WSDL file should display in the browser. You can also open a WSDL file in EAServer, using the following URL, where host represents the machine name where EAServer is running, port is the port number of the EAServer HTTP listener, collection is the name of the Web service collection, and service_name is the name of the Web service:


For example, the following URL opens the WSDL file for the n_pbhello Web service in the ws collection:


To verify that a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) address is accessible:

  1. Determine the URL for the Web service using the EAServer wstool utility as follows, where collection is the name of the Web service collection and service_name is the name of the Web service:

    wstool list URL service:collection/service_name
  2. In a Web browser, access the Web service’s URL; for example:


    Accessing the SOAP address does not invoke the Web service, but should display a message similar to the following:

    Hi there, this is an AXIS service!

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Invoke operations and create a test client

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