EAServer log  Server diagnostics

Chapter 1: Monitoring Techniques

Integrating with other logging systems

EAServer includes a configurable logging mechanism that allows integration with the JDK 1.4 Java logging package or the Apache Log4j logging system. A server’s logging properties are defined in a log profile, which defines the logging subsystem used as well as other properties, such as output destinations, formats, and the level of severity required before a message is recorded. You can also configure different log profiles for the debug and production server versions.

You can use the following logging subsystems:

If you use the Log4j or Java Logging packages, you can extend default behavior by plugging in your own code that implements the required interfaces. For example, you can install Log4j log handler classes that write messages to the Windows System event log or to a database. Also, if you use one of these packages to log messages from your own component or application code, you can configure the server’s log profile so that server log messages go to the same destinations.

Logging APIs

Regardless of the logging system you use, you can write messages to the log using all of the methods supported in earlier versions of EAServer, such as:

In addition, if you use Log4j or the Java Logging system, you can log messages from in-server Java code by calling the logging API directly.

Managing log profiles

“Configuring log profiles” in Chapter 3, “Creating and Configuring Servers,” in the EAServer System Administration Guide describes how to manage log profiles.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Server diagnostics

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