Creating and assigning a security profile to a listener  Running the SSL sample applet

Chapter 16: Tutorial: Using SSL

Assign a security profile to a listener

A listener identifies EAServer ports that accepts connection requests from clients using the following protocols:

When you define a listener, you choose a port number, the protocol, and, for secure protocols IIOPS and HTTPS, assign a security profile.

StepsAssigning the test_profile security profile to a listener

  1. Double-click the EAServer Manager icon.

  2. Double-click the Servers folder.

  3. Double-click the Jaguar icon.

  4. Click the Listeners folder.

  5. Select File | New Listener.

  6. Enter https3 for the listener name and click Create New Listener.

  7. When you see the Listener info window, supply the following:

  8. Click Save.

  9. Restart EAServer:

    1. Highlight the server to which this listener belongs.

    2. Select File | Restart.

You now have a listener that accepts HTTPS connection requests at port 8083 (https://hostname:8083) and requires client and server authentication.

See “Configuring listeners” for more information.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Running the SSL sample applet

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