Connecting to the Systems Management Console  Navigating the tree view

Chapter 13: Using Systems Management

The user interface controls

Once you are logged in, you see a multi-pane window that consists of:

When you are logged in to the Systems Management Console, the MBeans and services that are visible are determined by the J2EE roles that you have been granted. A service can be associated with certain read and update roles. This means that users must be granted these roles before they can view, or perform operations on, the service. For example, the EAServer service might have a read role called ReadX, as well as the default Admin Role. To view the EAServer service, users must be granted either the ReadX role or the Admin Role. By default, a service can be operated on only by someone who has the Admin Role—see “Managing user roles”.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Navigating the tree view

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