Deploying J2EE applications  Deploying application clients

Chapter 9: Importing and Exporting Application Components

What is created during import

When you import an EAServer JAR, the Deploy wizard creates an application identical to the original.

When you import an EAR, the Deploy wizard creates:

If the EAR file did not contain EAServer XML configuration files, you may need to configure the following settings in the Component or Web Application Properties dialog boxes before running EJBs, servlets, or JSPs:

Other settings have been configured by the Deploy wizard.

NoteUse the status dialog as a to-do list In the deployment status dialog box, EAServer Manager displays warnings for each setting that requires further attention before you run the application. You can copy and paste this text to a text editor to use as a to-do list.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Deploying application clients

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