Stateful components  Automatic failover for components

Chapter 7: Load Balancing, Failover, and Component Availability

Partitioned components

Partitioning restricts components to a subset of servers within a cluster. Partition an application by creating different logical server names, then installing component subsets into each logical server definition. Partitioning allows you to manually load balance within your cluster.

The Installed Packages folder lists the packages that are installed in a particular server. Even if a package is defined in a server's repository, and all files required for components in the package are available to the server, the server does not allow creation of instances of components for packages that are not installed in the server.

The following is a partitioning example:

See Chapter 3, “Managing Applications and Packages in EAServer Manager,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide for more information about installing packages.

NoteYou may want to use partitioning to separate CPU-bound components from database-bound components.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Automatic failover for components

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