When you deploy a J2EE application, use the deployment descriptor to define all the environment properties that the application component needs to access. This sample code defines the environment property (env-entry) maxExemptions as an Integer and sets its value to 10:
<env-entry> <description> The maximum number of tax exemptions </description> <env-entry-name>maxExemptions</env-entry-name> <env-entry-type>java.lang.Integer</env-entry-type> <env-entry-value>10</env-entry-value> </env-entry>
The information between the opening and closing env-entry tags defines an environment entry element, which consists of:
env-entry-name The environment property name, relative to the java:comp/env context.
env-entry-type The environment property’s Java datatype must be one of: Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, or String.
env-entry-value The environment property value, which is optional.
Within the same container, all instances of an application component share the same environment properties. The component instances cannot modify the environment at runtime.
An application component instance uses the JNDI interfaces to locate the environment naming context and access the environment properties. To locate the naming context, an application creates a javax.naming.InitialContext object and gets the InitialContext for java:comp/env. In this example, the application retrieves the value of the environment property maxExemptions and uses that value to determine an outcome:
Context initContext = new InitialContext(); Context myEnv = (Context)initContext.lookup(“java:comp/env”); // Get the maximum number of tax exemptions Integer max=(Integer)myEnv.lookup(“maxExemptions”); // Get the minimum number of tax exemptions Integer min = (Integer)myEnv.lookup(“minExemptions”); // Use these properties to customize the business logic if (numberOfExemptions > max.intValue() || (numberOfExemptions < min.intValue()) throw new InvalidNumberOfExemptionsException();
Default name service
When you call
the empty constructor to create a new InitialContext,
EAServer sets the Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY system
property and sets EAServer’s EJB name service as the default.
For information about using EAServer Manager to add and configure environment properties for a Web application, application client, or EJB component, see “Environment properties” in Chapter 21, “Creating Web Applications,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide.
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