EAServer provides property tabs and three wizards that step you through the process of configuring and tuning a server. You can use property tabs, the wizards, or both, to configure and tune a server. The wizards step you through the configuration process, and the property tabs allow you to select which properties you want to configure in the order you choose. The wizards and property tabs modify the same information. The Advanced tab displays all server settings.
Configuring a server using the Server Configuration
The Server Configuration wizard steps you through the basic configuration required to establish a server.
From within EAServer Manager, display the list of installed servers by expanding the Servers folder.
Highlight the server you want to configure.
Select File | Server Configuration Wizard.
Tuning the server using the Performance Tuning
The Performance Tuning wizard fine-tunes your server for optimum performance.
From within EAServer Manager, display the list of installed servers by expanding the Servers folder.
Highlight the server you want to configure.
Select File | Performance Tuning Wizard.
Configuring debug settings using the Server Debug
Settings wizard
The Server Debug Settings wizard defines additional settings for debugging server and performance problems.
From within EAServer Manager, display the list of installed servers by expanding the Servers folder.
Highlight the server you want to configure.
Select File | Server Debug Settings Wizard.
Configuring or modifying server properties
Select each tab as required to define various aspects of server behavior.
From within EAServer Manager, display the list of installed servers by expanding the Servers folder.
Highlight the server you want to configure.
Select File | Properties. The Server Properties dialog box displays, which contains these tabs:
General – define general individual server properties.
Java VM – control the execution of Java in the server.
HTTP Config – determine browser accessibility.
Transactions – determine the transaction coordinator for components that participate in EAServer transactions.
Security – see “Administration password and OS authentication” for security options accessible from this tab.
Resources – define the maximum number of client connections.
Log/Trace – set logging and trace options.
Handlers – if hosting an Open Server application, allows you to specify Open Server event handler function names.
Naming Service – set the server’s naming service options. See Chapter 5, “Naming Services” for additional information.
Servlets – disable servlet execution in EAServer and configure additional properties to control the execution of servlets.
PowerDynamo – enable hosting of PowerDynamo Web sites in EAServer.
Hot Standby – enable hot standby and define the master and backup servers.
JAXP Support – configure Java API for XML parsing support.
Java Classes – specify classes to include in the server’s runtime JAR file.
Java Debug – specify the port number for remote debugger connections.
Static Page Caching – enable caching for static pages.
HTTP Custom Response Header – define custom headers for HTTP responses.
HTTP Directory Browsing – enable HTTP browsing for Web application and non-Web application directories.
Components – configure component execution.
Advanced – edit server property settings in their raw format, that is, as they are stored in the configuration repository.
If you modify any property, click OK in the Server Properties dialog box to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.
When you modify server properties, you must refresh the server for the changes to take effect. To refresh the server, highlight the server icon and select File | Refresh.
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