list_ver  ping

Chapter 12: Using jagtool and jagant



Merges or deletes property values for an entity.


Local mode support: Yes.

Command line:

merge_props [ connect-args | local-args ] entity \
    [-verbose true|false] { [mergeop name value] | [file] } 

Ant build file: There are three syntax forms for Ant commands. You can specify a merge command for a single property with this syntax:

<jag_merge_props entity=”entity” [ verbose=” true|false” ] 
mergeop=”mergeop” name=”name” value=”value” >

You can specify merge commands for multiple properties with this syntax:

<jag_merge_props entity="entity" [ verbose="true|false" ]>
  <mergeproperty mergeop="mergeop" name="name"
     value="value" />
  <mergeproperty mergeop="mergeop" name="name"
     value="value" />

You can specify the name of a file that contains merge commands with this syntax:

<jag_merge_props entity=”entity” [ verbose=” true|false” ] 
  file=”file” ></jag_merge_props>




connect-args | local-args

Arguments to specify a connection to the server or to run in local mode. See “Local versus connected mode”.



The entity identifier for the target entity. Valid entity types include Agent, Application, Cluster, Component, ConnCache, Connector, DatabaseType, EntityCollection, Filter, InstancePool, Listener, ManagedConnectionFactory, Package, Role, Security, Server, Servlet, and WebApplication.

The entity types Connector, Filter, and ManagedConnectionFactory are available only for J2EE 1.3-enabled servers.



Whether to execute in verbose mode. The default is false.



The merge operation, one of:

  • AppendToList For properties that take a comma-separated list of values, append the value to the existing value if not already present. Case matters when comparing against existing entries; for example, if foo2 is present and you append Foo2, both are present after appending.

  • PrependToList For properties that take a comma-separated list of values, prepend the value to the existing value.

  • RemoveFromList For properties that take a comma-separated list of values, remove the value from the existing value if present.

  • SetDefault Set the properties value to the default value.

  • Delete Delete the property setting completely.

When not specifying a file containing merge commands.


The name of the property of interest.

When not specifying a file containing merge commands.


The property value to merge.

When not specifying a file containing merge commands.


The name of a text file containing merge commands. The file must be a text file containing lines of the form:


Where mergeop, name, and value follow the syntax rules above.

When not specifying a merge operation and property name.


Example 1

To add a service to the list of services for server “Jaguar,” you can run the following on the command line:

jagtool merge_props Server:Jaguar AppendToList MyNewService

Example 2

The following Ant example appends a value to the Java classes setting for a package:

<target name="test_merge_props" depends="connect">
<jag_merge_props entity="Package:Foo"
  verbose="true" mergeop="AppendToList"

Example 3

This Ant example merges several properties for a package:

<target name="test_merge_props" depends="connect">
<jag_merge_props entity="Package:Foo" verbose="true">
  <mergeproperty mergeop="AppendToList"
    name="" value="more stuff"/>
  <mergeproperty mergeop="PrependToList" 
    name="" value="newvalue3"/>
  <mergeproperty mergeop="RemoveFromList" 
    name="" value="original"/>
  <mergeproperty mergeop="SetDefault" 
    name="" value="newvalue4"/>
  <mergeproperty mergeop="Delete" 

Example 4

This Ant example specifies the name of a file that contains merge commands:

<target name="test_merge_props" depends="connect">
<jag_merge_props entity="Package:Foo"
  verbose="true" file="C:\EAServer\MergeProps.txt">

See also

props, set_props

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