Deploys a J2EE EAR file, J2EE WAR file, J2EE JAR file, or Jaguar JAR file to the server.
deploy [ connect-args | local-args ] [-type filetype] [-stubsandskels true|false] [-jagjartype jartype] [-install true|false] [-strategy strategy] [-verbose true|false] [-interoperablenaming true|false] [-setjarfilepackagenaming=”true|false”] filename
<jag_deploy [ type="filetype" ] [ stubsandskels="true|false" ] [ jagjartype="jartype" ] [ install="true|false" ] [ strategy="strategy" ] [ verbose="true|false" ] [ interoperablenaming=”true|false” ] [setjarfilepackagenaming=”true|false”] file="filename” />
Option |
Description |
Default |
Required |
connect-args | local-args |
Arguments to specify a connection to the server or to run in local mode. See “Local versus connected mode”. |
- |
Yes |
The type of file deployed:
ear |
No |
Indicates whether stubs and skeletons should be generated for EJB files. This flag is applicable only to EAR and EJB files. |
true |
No |
When type is
Application for type |
Only for type |
Indicates whether installed entities should be automatically deployed in servers. |
true |
No |
Indicates the deployment strategy. Options are:
You can specify incremental when the methods, fields, interfaces, or superclass of a class have changed. Specify full when other details have changed or IDL has been deleted. |
incremental |
No |
Enables interoperable naming. This option is available only when you are running JDK 1.3—see “Interoperable naming”. |
true |
No |
For EAR or EJB-JAR files, specifies how newly created packages are named, as follows:
false |
No |
Indicates that output during deployment is verbose. |
false |
No |
filename |
The name of the deployed file. |
- |
Yes |
Return value |
Indicates |
0 |
The command ran successfully; the result is true/success. |
1 |
The command ran successfully; the result is false/failure. |
2 |
The command did not run successfully; an exception was thrown. |
This command runs in local mode and deploys the EJB-JAR file named myejb.jar into the server named FooServer:
jagtool -local -server FooServer deploy -type ejbjar myejb.jar
This example deploys the J2EE EAR file eastore.ear to the server:
Command line:
jagtool deploy -type ear e:\temp\estore.ear
Ant build file:
<jag_deploy type="ear" file="e:\temp\estore.ear" />
This example deploys the JAR file AuthServiceDemo.jar to the server:
Command line:
jagtool deploy -type jagjar -jagjartype Package /tmp/AuthServiceDemo.jar
Ant build file:
<jag_deploy type="jagjar" jagjartype="Package" file="/tmp/AuthServiceDemo.jar" />
export, gen_stubsandskels, install, Chapter 9, “Importing and Exporting Application Components”
Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |
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