Copies an entity in the repository.
copy [ connect-args | local-args ] source target
<jag_copy source=”source” target=”target” />
Option |
Description |
Required |
connect-args | local-args |
Arguments to specify a connection to the server or to run in local mode. See “Local versus connected mode”. |
Yes |
source |
Entity identifier for the entity being copied. |
Yes |
target |
Entity identifier for the new copy. |
Yes |
Return value |
Indicates |
0 |
The command ran successfully; the result is true/success. |
2 |
The command did not run successfully; an exception was thrown. |
This example creates a copy of the entity Package:SVU and places it in the entity Package:SVU_2.
Command line:
jagtool copy Package:SVU Package:SVU_2
Ant build file:
<jag_copy source="Package:SVU" target="Package:SVU_2" />
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