For JDBC connection caches, the Server Name field is a URL whose syntax depends on the JDBC interface level that the driver class supports.
JDBC level 1 drivers These driver classes implement the java.sql.Driver interface and typically have class names that end in Driver. For example, the Sybase jConnect level 1 driver class is com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver, which requires syntax like:
The Oracle level 1 driver is class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver, which requires syntax like this example:
For details on the jConnect syntax, see the jConnect documentation. For details on drivers from other vendors such as Oracle, see the vendor documentation.
JDBC level 2 connection pool drivers These driver classes implement the javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource interface and typically have class names that end in PoolDataSource. For example, the Sybase jConnect level 2 driver is com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybConnectionPoolDataSource, which requires syntax like:
The Oracle level 2 driver class is oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource, which requires syntax like this example:
Level 2 drivers support a setter method naming scheme to indicate the connection properties that they support. A setter method named setProperty indicates that the driver supports the property named Property. For example, a method named setServer with a string input parameter indicates that the driver recognizes the Server property. You can set any string-valued property in the server URL. EAServer follows these rules to parse the URL:
A colon (:) acts as a property separator.
Items separated by an equal sign (=) are
a property-value pair, of the form Name=Value
You can use the Java javap command to list the property setter methods supported by your level 2 driver (or by the DataSource driver class that it extends). Driver properties that do not take string types can be set in the connection cache property, described in Use the Advanced tab to set this property. For information on what each property configures, see the driver documentation.
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