Creating cleaner files  Chapter 10: Using Repository Versioning

Chapter 9: Importing and Exporting Application Components

Deleting packages, Web applications, and applications

When deleting a package, Web application, or application, you can choose whether to delete only the entity’s properties file, or to delete all files that have been generated by the deployment of the entity, including component stubs and skeletons and IDL interface and datatype definitions. By default, EAServer Manager performs a full deletion. If you choose a simple deletion, only properties files were deleted. When deleting with jagtool, add the type option to the delete command to specify whether to use full or simple deletion.

This feature is useful for deleting entities that have been imported from a J2EE archive file. Full deletion makes removing the entity as easily as the original deployment.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 10: Using Repository Versioning

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