Install Ant and read the accompanying documentation.
The jagant script requires a full JDK installation. If you are running jagant from an EAServer client install, make sure you have installed the full JDK. By default, only the JRE files are installed.
Before running jagant, verify that:
The JAGUAR environment variable is set.
A full JDK installation is present.
Jakarta Ant is installed on your system.
By default, jagant searches for Jakarta Ant in %JAGUAR%\jakarta-ant (Windows) or $JAGUAR/jakarta-ant (Solaris). If you install Jakarta Ant in a different location, set the ANT_HOME environment variable before running the jagant script to reflect the change.
You can also set ANT_HOME in the user environment file, %JAGUAR%\bin\user_setenv.bat (Windows) or $JAGUAR/bin/ (UNIX). The jagant script checks the user environment file each time it runs.
you are using jagant to compile JSP files with the compilejsp command,
modify the CLASSPATH setting for the Ant scripts, adding the location
of the xalan.jar and crimson.jar files
that are included with EAServer. For example, if using Windows,
edit the ant.bat file, and change the code
under the :runAnt
label to
:runAnt set JAGUAR=EAServer install directory set LOCALCLASSPATH=%JAGUAR%\java\classes\crimson.jar;%LOCALCLASSPATH% set LOCALCLASSPATH=%JAGUAR%\java\classes\xalan.jar;%LOCALCLASSPATH% %_JAVACMD% -classpath %LOCALCLASSPATH% -Dant.home="%ANT_HOME%" %ANT_OPTS% %ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS% goto end
Or on UNIX, change the last line to read like these lines:
JAGUAR=EAServer install directory LOCALCLASSPATH=$JAGUAR/java/classes/crimson.jar:$LOCALCLASSPATH LOCALCLASSPATH=$JAGUAR/java/classes/xalan.jar:$LOCALCLASSPATH $JAVACMD -classpath "$LOCALCLASSPATH" -Dant.home="${ANT_HOME}" $ANT_OPTS "$@"
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