Java example of GenericService methods  Implement other required methods

Chapter 33: Creating Service Components

C++ example of GenericService methods

The code fragment below shows how the GenericService methods can be implemented in a C++ component. This example uses a static Boolean instance variable, _stop, to indicate when the service should cease running. The start() method sets the _stop variable to false; start() must also perform any other necessary initialization that are needed by your service, such as opening files, database connections, and so forth. run() executes a while loop as long as the _stop variable is false. In each loop iteration, run() performs some of the work that the service is responsible for, such as refreshing a copy of a remote database table, then calls the JagSleep C routine to relinquish the CPU. The stop() method sets the _stop variable to true. stop() must also clean up any resources that were allocated in the start() method.

#include <jagpublic.c> // For JagSleep API

class MyService
    static boolean _stop; // Declared static in case multiple 
                          // instances are run.

void start()
    _stop = false;
    ... perform necessary initializations ...

void stop()
    _stop = true;

void run()
    while (! _stop)
        ... do whatever this service does 
            on each iteration ...
    ... perform necessary cleanup and deallocations ...


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