EAServer Java extension properties  Localizing Web applications

Chapter 21: Creating Web Applications

Defining required extensions in the WAR manifest file

If you are creating Web applications outside of EAServer Manager, you must specify required Java extensions by adding entries to the manifest file within the WAR (path META-INF/MANIFEST.mf). If you are using a Java development tool that supports the Servlet 2.3 specification, your tool most likely provides graphical support for specifying dependencies. See your tool’s documentation for details.

WAR manifest format

The Extension-List manifest entry lists the names of required extensions. This entry has the form:

Extension-List: ext1 ext2 ext3 ...

Where ext1, ext2, ext3, and so forth are the names of the required extensions. For each name, you must specify additional entries from the Manifest entry column of Table 21-2, prefixed with the name and a hyphen. For example, if the name is javahelp, you must specify a javahelp-Extension-Name entry as well as the other manifest entries from Table 21-2. You may specify additional entries not in Table 21-2, but these are ignored by EAServer.


The following example shows a section of a WAR manifest that requires two extensions, javahelp and java3d:

Extension-List: javahelp java3d 
javahelp-Extension-Name: javax.help 
javahelp-Specification-Version: 1.0
javahelp-Implementation-Version: 1.0.3 
javahelp-Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.sun 
java3d-Extension-Name: javax.3d 
java3d-Specification-Version: 1.0 
java3d-Implementation-Version: 1.2.1 
java3d-Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.sun 

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Localizing Web applications

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