Application properties: JAXP Support  Application properties: Advanced

Chapter 3: Managing Applications and Packages in EAServer Manager

Application properties: Security

Security properties include:



Trusted Identities

Trusted identities must be configured for EJB 2.0 caller propagation from another server to the server where this application is deployed.Trusted identities can “vouch” for the client identity specified in the intercomponent call. For outgoing calls from this application to another server, configure the Security Identity property..

Security Identity

Specifies the identity used for outgoing component invocations when propagating client credentials to another server.

Run-as Identity

Specifies the identity used for intercomponent calls issued from EJBs or servlets. The identity specified here can be overridden in the package, Web application, or component properties.

For more information on these settings, see “Intercomponent authentication for EJBs and servlets” in the EAServer Security Administration and Programming Guide.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Application properties: Advanced

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