Supported discriminator and field types  Sequence support

Chapter 18: ActiveX Overview

ActiveX mapping for unions

An IDL union maps to an ActiveX interface named with the following properties and methods:

Setting and getting member values

To set a union member, simply set the property for that member. The discriminator value changes automatically to match the member you set.

To access the value of a member, first verify that the discriminator value is in the set of allowable cases for that member, then reference the matching property. The ActiveX proxy throws an exception if you attempt to access a member while the discriminator value is not in the set of case values for that member.

NoteExplicit version implicit field initialization Union fields that use complex types such as struct, union, object, date, time, or timestamp must be initialized explicitly. If you do not initialize these fields before passing the union as an EAServer method parameter or return value, the ActiveX dispatcher throws a marshalling exception. Fields of other types are implicitly set to a default value.


As an example, consider the following IDL union:

module TMod
    union TUnion switch (long)
      case 5: long lVal;
      case 9, 7: short sVal;
      default: double dVal;

The following Visual Basic code sets each member:

dim myUnion as TUnion
set myUnion = new TUnion
myUnion.lVal = 43000
myUnion.sVal = 43
myUnion.dVal = 43.43

The following code checks the discriminator and accesses the value if the lVal member is set:

if (myUnion.discriminator = 5) then
  print "Current value is " & myUnion.lVal

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