initial NamingContext will have the name context
that was specified in the NameServiceURL
initialization property. The client invokes the NamingContext::resolve operation
to obtain an instance of the EAServer authentication service as
well as component instances.
The NamingContext::resolve operation takes a CosNaming::Name parameter, which is a sequence of CosNaming::NameComponent structures.
A name is represented by a sequence of NameComponent instances, with the id field of each instance set to a node of the name.
As a convenience, the EAServer name service allows you to specify multiple nodes of a name in one NameComponent instance, using a forward slash (/) to separate nodes.
NamingContext::resolve resolves a name to an object; this method either returns a CORBA::Object instance or throws one of the exceptions described below:
NotFound indicates that the name is not bound to an object, the name does not exist, or some node in the indicated hierarchy does not exist; the why field contains an enumeration that encodes the reason why the name was not found.
InvalidName indicates that the name is malformed.
CannotProceed or a CORBA SystemException indicates that an error has occurred. “Handling exceptions” describes CORBA system exceptions.
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