EJB and resource references  Transaction isolation level

Chapter 6: Enterprise JavaBeans Overview

Security access-control changes

The getCallerIdentity and isCallerInRole(java.security.Identity) methods in the EJBContext interface are deprecated in EJB 1.1. Instead of getCallerIdentity, call getCallerPrincipal. Instead of isCallerInRole(java.security.Identity), call isCallerInRole(java.lang.String).

In EAServer Manager, you can configure role references for your component in the Component Properties dialog box. Role references allow you to map names used in isCallerInRole(java.lang.String) calls to role names that exist on the server. Role references allow your component to be deployed on servers that do not have the same security configuration.

Declarative access control for EJB 1.1 components uses method-level settings.

NoteRole Membership folder does not apply to EJB 1.1 or 2.0 components The Role Membership folder for packages and components in EAServer Manager does not apply to EJB 1.1 or 2.0 components. There are two ways to control which clients can call EJB component methods:

StepsConfiguring method permissions

Method permissions allow you to restrict access without writing code. Configure method permissions as follows:

  1. If necessary, define new EAServer roles to be used by callers of the component.

  2. Verify that J2EE roles are mapped to EAServer roles in the properties of the package where the component is installed; check the Role Mappings tab in the Package Properties window. You must map a J2EE role name for each role to be used in method permissions.

  3. For each method that requires limited access, display the Method Properties dialog and highlight the Permissions tab. A check box displays for each mapped J2EE role in the package that contains the component. Select the check box by each role that can call the method.

StepsConfiguring role references

Role references are required if you call the isCallerInRole Java method to restrict access. Each reference maps a string used in isCallerInRole calls to a J2EE role that is configured in the package Role Mappings. To configure role references:

  1. If necessary, define new EAServer roles to be used by callers of the component.

  2. Verify that J2EE roles are mapped to EAServer roles in the properties of the package where the component is installed; check the Role Mappings tab in the Package Properties window. You must map a J2EE role name for each role to be used in role references.

  3. For each component that calls the isCallerInRole method, display the Component Properties dialog and highlight the Role Refs tab. Add or modify roles as follows:

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Transaction isolation level

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