Package properties: JAXP Support  Chapter 4: Defining Components

Chapter 3: Managing Applications and Packages in EAServer Manager

Package Properties: Advanced

The Advanced tab allows you to edit package property settings as they are stored in the EAServer configuration repository. You can only delete properties that you have added—you cannot delete default properties, such as the property.

For information on repository properties, see Appendix B, “Repository Properties Reference,” in the EAServer System Administration Guide.

StepsSetting properties

  1. Look for the property name in the list of properties. If it is displayed, highlight the property and click Modify. Otherwise, click Add.

  2. If adding the property, fill in the Add Property fields as follows:

  3. If modifying a property, edit the displayed value in the Modify Property window.

NoteWhen to use the Advanced tab Though you can use the Advanced tab to set any property prefixed with, Sybase recommends that you use this tab to set properties only as specified by the EAServer documentation or by Sybase Technical Support. Most properties can be configured graphically elsewhere in the EAServer Manager user interface.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 4: Defining Components

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