Creating and editing IDL modules, interfaces, and types  Creating and editing interfaces

Chapter 5: Defining Component Interfaces

Using the IDL editor window

The IDL editor window is displayed when you create a new module or interface. You can also display the source code for datatypes, exceptions, and interfaces by right-clicking on their icons and choosing Edit IDL from the popup menu.

The File menu contains the following options:




Allows you to replace the editor’s current contents with the contents of an operating system file.


Saves your changes in the EAServer IDL repository. When you save to the repository, EAServer Manager checks the syntax of the module or declaration and displays any syntax errors.

Save As

Allows you to save the contents of the editor window into a specified file. This option can be used to export IDL definitions of EAServer interfaces for use with other vendor’s CORBA ORB implementations.


Closes the editor window without saving.

The current IDL editor does not have menu commands for copying, cutting, and pasting text. However, you can use the standard keyboard commands for your platform as described below:


What you do


Use the mouse to select text. Use Control+C to copy, Control+V to paste, and Control+X to cut.

UNIX (all)

Use the mouse to select text. Key mappings are defined by your X-Windows display configuration. Most workstation keyboards have Copy, Cut, and Paste keys that work as labeled with the manufacturer’s default X-display configuration. See your X-Windows system documentation for more information.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Creating and editing interfaces

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