Designing the EAServer application  Deploying the application

Chapter 1: Creating Component-Based Applications

Implementing components and clients

With the design in place, your component developers and client developers can begin implementing the clients and components that form the application.

Implementing components

To create a Java-CORBA or EJB component, use a Java development tool to create the Java component. You can perform deployment tasks with EAServer Manager, jagtool, or jagant.

To create a C or C++ component, generate skeletons using EAServer Manager, code the method bodies in the method implementation templates, and compile and install the C DLL in your EAServer installation.

To create an ActiveX component, use an ActiveX-enabled IDE to create the ActiveX component DLL, import the ActiveX definitions for the component into EAServer, and install the ActiveX component.

To create a PowerBuilder component, use the EAServer Component wizard in PowerBuilder to define the interface, code the component in PowerScript, and deploy to EAServer.

To learn how to develop components, see these references:

Type of component



Chapter 7, “Creating Enterprise JavaBeans Components”


Chapter 11, “Creating CORBA Java Components”


Chapter 14, “Creating CORBA C++ Components”


The Application Techniques manual included in the PowerBuilder documentation.


Chapter 19, “Creating ActiveX Components”


Appendix C, “Creating C Components”

Design and implement the clients

Client developers can work concurrently with component developers. To allow prototyping and testing of client programs, you may want to create a client test server that hosts stubbed versions of the application components (that is, components with minimal method implementations).

Choose Client Types Before creating client programs, decide which of the following EAServer client models best suits your needs, based on your preferred implementation languages and administrative requirements:

In some situations, you might want to implement different versions of a client for different users. For example, you may implement a Web client version to allow new customers to connect over the Internet without installing a client program. For established customers who use the application heavily, you can implement a standalone client program that offers improved performance and a richer user interface.

To learn how to create clients, see these references:

Type of client



Chapter 8, “Creating Enterprise JavaBeans Clients”

Chapter 12, “Creating CORBA Java Clients”


Chapter 15, “Creating CORBA C++ Clients”


The Application Techniques manual included in the PowerBuilder documentation.


Chapter 20, “Creating ActiveX Clients”


Appendix A, “Executing Methods As Stored Procedures”

Client Design Issues In designing your client, plan to optimize network performance by keeping traffic between the client and components on the server to a minimum. To optimize network performance, plan to:

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Deploying the application

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