Except for packages used internally by EAServer, packages to be run on a server must be installed in that server, using one of two methods:
Add the package to the server’s Installed Packages folder.
Add the package to an application’s Installed Packages folder, then install the application to the server. See Chapter 3, “Managing Applications and Packages in EAServer Manager” describes this method.
Packages that you create must be installed in a server before that server’s clients can access components in the package.
You can only install a package in one application. Once a package is installed in an application, it cannot be installed directly in a server.
Default packages EAServer includes a set of default packages that include components used internally by EAServer. These packages are available whether or not they are installed to a server’s Packages folder. These include the packages: CosConcurrencyControl, CosNaming, CosTransactions, CtsComponents, CtsSecurity, DataWindow, EncinaInternal, EncinaOTS, JTS, Jaguar, JaguarOTS, JaguarProxy, JaguarServlet, OtsAdmin, PBDebugger, Proxy, TranLog. The list of default packages is subject to change without notice.
Installing packages
Double-click the Servers folder to expand it.
Double-click the server (listed on the left side of the screen) to which you want to install a package.
Highlight the Installed Packages icon. A list of installed packages appears on the right.
Select File |Install Package. Then select one of the following options from the Package Wizard:
Install an existing package A list of uninstalled packages appears in the dialog box. Highlight the package you want to install, and click Ok.
Create and install a new package Enter the name of the new package you want to install. Supply the package information, and click Ok. The properties are described in “Configuring package properties”.
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