Creating a new package  Modifying packages

Chapter 3: Managing Applications and Packages in EAServer Manager

Installing packages to a server

Except for packages used internally by EAServer, packages to be run on a server must be installed in that server, using one of two methods:

Packages that you create must be installed in a server before that server’s clients can access components in the package.

You can only install a package in one application. Once a package is installed in an application, it cannot be installed directly in a server.

Default packages EAServer includes a set of default packages that include components used internally by EAServer. These packages are available whether or not they are installed to a server’s Packages folder. These include the packages: CosConcurrencyControl, CosNaming, CosTransactions, CtsComponents, CtsSecurity, DataWindow, EncinaInternal, EncinaOTS, JTS, Jaguar, JaguarOTS, JaguarProxy, JaguarServlet, OtsAdmin, PBDebugger, Proxy, TranLog. The list of default packages is subject to change without notice.

StepsInstalling packages

  1. Double-click the Servers folder to expand it.

  2. Double-click the server (listed on the left side of the screen) to which you want to install a package.

  3. Highlight the Installed Packages icon. A list of installed packages appears on the right.

  4. Select File |Install Package. Then select one of the following options from the Package Wizard:

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