Using the CosNaming interface  Obtain an initial naming context

Chapter 15: Creating CORBA C++ Clients

Configure and initialize the ORB for CosNaming use

“Configure and initialize the ORB runtime” describes how to initialize the ORB and configure run-time properties. One additional property is required in applications that use the CosNaming API.

You must set ORBNameServiceURL property to specify the IIOP URL to the EAServer name service. This parameter can also be set in an environment variable, JAG_NAMESERVICEURL. Use the following syntax for values:



hostname is the host machine name for the server that serves as the name server for your client. If omitted, the default host name applies.

iiop-port is the IIOP port number for the server.

initial-context is the initial naming context, which you set in the server property Initial Context. This can be used to set a default prefix for name resolution. For example, if you specify USA/Sybase/, all names that you resolve with the context are assumed to be relative to this location in the name hierarchy. When specifying the initial context, a trailing slash is optional; it is added automatically if you do not specify an initial context that ends with a slash.

If your application uses a cluster of servers, the cluster may use multiple name servers. In this case, specify the URL (host machine name and IIOP port number) for each name server in a list separated by semicolons and no white space. Include the cluster’s initial naming context only with the last URL. For example:


Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Obtain an initial naming context

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