Table schema for binary storage  Cluster configuration for in-memory failover

Chapter 29: Configuring Persistence Mechanisms

Requirements for in-memory stateful failover

You can use in-memory storage to support failover for stateful components by choosing CtsComponents/HeapStorage as the storage component. This feature allows component state to be maintained on a pair of servers, without incurring the overhead of using a remote database to store component state.

The in-memory failover implementation is based on mirror pairs. A mirror pair consists of two servers that are members of a cluster. The servers use the EAServer message service to synchronize component session state held in memory. If one server in a mirror pair goes offline, the other remains to serve client sessions for the mirrored components. You can configure multiple mirror pairs within a cluster, but each server can be a member of only one mirror pair.

NoteIn-memory failover requires the following:

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Cluster configuration for in-memory failover

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