Custom class lists for packages, applications, or servers  Troubleshooting class loader configuration issues

Chapter 30: Configuring Custom Java Class Lists

Configuring an entity’s custom class list

You can configure custom class lists for your servers, applications, Web applications, packages, and components, and so forth using the Java Classes tab in the EAServer Manager properties for the entity. If using jagtool or an EAServer XML configuration file, configure the class list by setting the entity property that ends in .java.classes, for example the application property name is

NoteCustom class lists for entities that are deployed in J2EE archives When you import entities from J2EE archives such as EJB-JAR, EAR, or WAR files, EAServer configures the custom class list to include the classes included in the archive. You do not need to configure the class list in most cases. EAServer ignores java.classes properties set in the archive’s sybase-easerver-config.xml file (if present). If you must customize these properties, do so after deploying the J2EE archive.

StepsConfiguring the custom class list for a server, application, Web application, component, or Web component in EAServer Manager

  1. Display the properties dialog for the server, application, Web application, component, package, or servlet.

  2. Display the Java Classes tab.

  3. If necessary, configure the delegation order as described in “The class loader hierarchy and delegation policy”.

  4. Edit the class list as follows:

Value syntax for Java class lists Enter a comma-separated list of Java classes, packages, and JAR files. You can specify all classes in a package using wildcards, as in this example:*

You can specify all classes in a JAR file by specifying the JAR file name, as in this example:


JAR files must be deployed in the EAServer java/classes subdirectory.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Troubleshooting class loader configuration issues

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