Publishing messages  Browsing messages

Chapter 31: Using the Message Service

Receiving messages

You can receive messages either synchronously or asynchronously. To receive messages synchronously (get all the messages at one time), call the receive method for the message consumer. The following code samples illustrate how to receive all the messages from a queue, using three different timeout options:

// Get all the messages from the queue. If none exists,
// wait until a message arrives.

javax.jms.TextMessage queueTextMsg =
   (javax.jms.TextMessage) receiver.receive();

// Get all the messages from the queue. If none exists,
// wait 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) or until a message
// arrives, whichever comes first.

javax.jms.TextMessage queueTextMsg =
   (javax.jms.TextMessage) receiver.receive(5000);

// Get all the messages from the queue. If none exists,
// return NULL.

javax.jms.TextMessage queueTextMsg =
   (javax.jms.TextMessage) receiver.receiveNoWait();

To receive messages asynchronously, implement a message listener and install it on the message consumer, either a topic or a queue. See “Implementing and installing message listeners”.

For information about creating message queues and topics, see “Creating message consumers”.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Browsing messages

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