Determining service state  Chapter 34: Creating and Using EAServer Pseudocomponents

Chapter 33: Creating Service Components

Refreshing service components

To refresh the component implementation after it has been loaded, select the component icon, and choose File | Refresh.

NoteComponents that are installed as EAServer services are not refreshed when you refresh the package or server in which they are installed. To refresh a service component, you must select the component icon and choose File | Refresh.

For refresh, EAServer reloads component instances as follows:

  1. The server calls the stop() method.

  2. The server waits for the run() method to return in all instances that are running as services.

  3. The server creates a new instance and calls the start() and run() methods, in that order. If the multiple instances are specified for the service, the server loads the additional instances that are required and calls run() on each instance.

After refresh, a new instance is guaranteed not to start before previous instances have ceased running. Consequently, a service component can not be refreshed unless the run() method returns. See “Implement GenericService interface methods” for code examples that show how to coordinate the logic in the stop() and run() methods.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 34: Creating and Using EAServer Pseudocomponents

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