Resource references  Environment properties

Chapter 21: Creating Web Applications

Resource environment references

Resource environment references are logical names applied to objects administered by EAServer, which can be accessed by Web applications, application clients, and EJB components.

To add or configure a resource environment reference, open the Web Application Properties dialog box.

NoteThe Resource Environment References tab configuration is the same for Web applications, application clients, and EJB components.

StepsAdding a resource environment reference

  1. Display the Resource Environment References tab.

  2. Click Add. A reference with default settings is created. Edit the settings as described below.

StepsEditing a resource environment reference

  1. If necessary, display the Resource Environment References tab. Existing references are displayed as a list with one row for each reference.

  2. Edit the reference fields of interest as follows:

  3. To delete a resource environment reference, click anywhere in the fields for the reference of interest and click Delete.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Environment properties

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