The settings in the Servlet Properties dialog box specify the Java class for the servlet and control how EAServer loads and runs instances of the class. The dialog contains the tabs described below.
Properties on the general tab define the basic information required to load and run the servlet.
Control Name |
Specifies |
Description |
An optional comment describing the servlet. |
Servlet’s fully qualified class name |
The name of the Java class that implements the servlet functionality, in Java dot notation; for example, In a Web application, you can map a servlet name to either a servlet class or a JSP file. |
Load during startup |
Choose Yes if the servlet must be loaded and initialized when the server starts. If you choose No, the class is loaded when the first client requests to run the servlet. Classes that perform lengthy processing in the init method can be loaded at start-up so that the first client to invoke the servlet does not experience increased response time. If you choose Yes, servlets are reloaded when you refresh the Web application. |
Startup load sequence position |
EAServer loads servlets serially. If you choose Yes, to load the servlet during startup, define the order, relative to other servlets in the application. To load the servlet first, enter 1. |
Web component type |
Choose Servlet or JSP |
Servlets may require initialization parameters that are specified outside of the source code. For example, you might specify the name of an EAServer connection cache as an initialization parameter. You can use the Init-args properties to define optional initialization parameters for the server.
The Init-Params tab lists the initialization parameters that have been defined for the servlet. Click Add to define a new initialization parameter. Enter the parameter name and the text of the value. The servlet can retrieve the value as a Java String, as explained below. To change a parameter’s value, highlight the parameter in the list, then click Modify. To remove a parameter, highlight it, then click Delete.
Your servlet’s init method can retrieve the specified settings using the ServletConfig.getInitParameter(String) and ServletConfig.getInitParameterNames() methods. The following code fragment shows how:
void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { .... Enumeration paramNames = config.getInitParameterNames(); while (paramNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) paramNames.nextElement(); String value = config.getInitParameter(name); }
By default, EAServer loads one instance of a servlet class and calls methods from multiple threads—to service multiple clients, multiple threads may call the service method simultaneously. If an instance of your servlet cannot safely execute in multiple threads, you must configure the Threading tab to specify that the servlet class is single threaded. You can also specify how EAServer should serialize invocations of the service method for a single-threaded servlet.
Check the Single Threaded option if calls to your servlet’s service method must be serialized. When this option is selected, you can specify the number of instances that EAServer creates to serve client requests. Calls to the service method within a given instance are serialized. EAServer creates multiple instances to minimize the time that clients have to wait for a blocked service request. EAServer calls the service method in an instance that is not already busy serving a previous request. If all available instances are busy, the request is delayed until a service call returns.
If multiple instances are created, calls to the service method are not necessarily serialized; service calls may occur simultaneously in different instances. If your service method changes static variables, you must add code to synchronize these changes or configure the servlet properties so that only one instance is created.
Implementing the SingleThreadModel interface
Your servlet class can implement the SingleThreadModel interface
to indicate that calls to an instance’s service method
must be serialized. Instances of these classes are always single-threaded
by EAServer, regardless of whether the Single Threaded option is
The Java Servlet API provides classes to create a session between a given HTTP client and servlets running on EAServer. You can use the session to record data related to the end-users session. If your servlet uses sessions, configure the following properties on the Sessions tab:
Time-out The duration, in seconds, that a session can remain inactive.
In Web applications, servlets share a common timeout value. To set the session timeout property for a servlet:
Expand these icons: Servers, server-name, Installed Applications, application-name, and Web Applications. Highlight the Web application, right-click and select Web Application Properties.
On the General tab, set Session Timeout to the number of minutes that a session can remain inactive before it times out. The default is 0, which indicates that the session never times out.
Enable Session Tracking Beginning with EAServer 5.1, session tracking is always enabled.
On the Java Classes tab, specify a list of additional Java classes that must be reloaded when you refresh the servlet. By default, EAServer reloads only the servlet implementation class. You can configure the classes to be custom loaded at the servlet, Web application, J2EE application, or server level. For more information, see Chapter 30, “Configuring Custom Java Class Lists.”
The Additional Files tab enables you to associate additional files with the servlet definition. If you synchronize the server where the servlet is installed, and elect to synchronize servlet files, these files will be transferred to the target servers. See Chapter 6, “Clusters and Synchronization,” in the EAServer System Administration Guide for more information on this feature.
You can specify the name of a Java class or package to be added to the archive, using the Java dot notation. For example, “com.sybase.CORBA” adds all files in the com.sybase.CORBA package.
Any other files must be separated by commas and specified relative to EAServer’s Repository subdirectory or with a full path. Full paths require that any server to which you synchronize share the same directory structure.
When you include additional files, you can either enter the file names individually, or you can use the Additional Files wizard to add multiple files, packages, classes, and directories.
To enter file names individually:
Click Add. This opens the Add a File Name to the List dialog box.
Enter the file name and click Ok.
To add multiple items:
Click Additional Files Wizard. This open the Additional Files dialog box. Each item that you add is appended to the list.
To add Java packages or classes:
Click Browse
Choose a *.class file and click Select.
The class files must be deployed under EAServer’s java/classes directory.
To add files or directories:
Optionally, specify a file filter, such as *.txt.
Optionally, select to use the JAGUAR environment variable.
Click Browse.
Choose a file or directory and click Select.
To add property files from other entities:
Click Browse.
Choose a *.props file from under the Repository directory and click Select.
To add file lists from other entities:
Click Browse.
Choose an entity’s *.files file and click Select.
Click Add Files to Additional Files List.
Configures an alternate identity used for authentication of component invocations from the servlet or JSP. By default, component invocations use the Web client’s identity. The settings are:
Run as – Choose “specified” to configure an alternate identity. The default, “client,” specifies that the Web client identity is used.
Role – Specify a role name. The identity specified in the Mapped to Jaguar identity field should be in this role.
Run as identity – Specify a logical identity name. This name is used if the component is exported to an EJB-JAR file.
Mapped to Jaguar identity – Choose an EAServer identity from the pull down menu. This is the identity with which the component executes.
Description – Enter an optional text comment. This field can be used to provide identity mapping instructions for the deployer when the component is deployed to another server.
To enable use of the run-as identity for EJB component calls to remote servers, you must specify corbaname URLs in the EJB Reference properties for the Web application where the servlet is installed. For more information, see “Interoperable naming URLs” and “EJB references”.
The Advanced tab allows you to edit property settings as they are stored in the EAServer configuration repository. You can only delete properties that you have added—you cannot delete default properties, such as the property. Repository property names are documented in Appendix B, “Repository Properties Reference,” in the EAServer System Administration Guide.
You can set properties as follows:
Look for the property name in the list of properties. If it is displayed, highlight the property and click Modify. Otherwise, click Add.
If adding the property, fill in the Add Property fields as follows:
Enter the property name in the Name field
Enter the value in the Value field.
If modifying a property, edit the displayed value in the Modify Property window.
When to use the Advanced tab
Although you can use the Advanced tab to set any property
prefixed with “,” Sybase recommends
that you use this tab to set properties only as specified by the EAServer
documentation or by Sybase Technical Support. Most properties can be
configured graphically elsewhere in the EAServer Manager user interface.
Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. |
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