EAServer uses the transaction local cache to minimize the number of database reads required when finder methods are called in a transaction. For example, if a finder method returns 100 rows, the worst case requires 101 queries to retrieve the data for each row. The transaction local cache helps achieve the ideal of selecting all required data at the beginning of the transaction.
The transaction local cache is enabled automatically if finder queries return enough data to populate the cache. In other words, the finder query returns all rows in the table. The default query properties do this. If you have modified them, verify that they return all rows. For more information, see “Specifying finder- and ejbSelect-method queries” in Chapter 27, “Creating Entity Components,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide.
You can set the component property com.sybase.jaguar.component.tlc.sort to specify whether EAServer sorts entries before calling ejbStore. Setting this property to true helps to avoid deadlock when separate transactions concurrently update multiple instances of the same component. The default of false may provide better performance by eliminating the sorting step. You cannot enable sorting unless the primary key class implements the java.lang.Comparable interface. Most java.lang utility classes implement this interface, such as String, Integer and so forth.
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