Configuring OCC options  Configuring CMP isolation level

Chapter 4: EJB CMP Tuning

Enabling automatic transaction retry

EAServer can automatically retry transactions that are rolled back—method calls back to the last transaction boundary are retried by the stub code. This feature is useful for For EJB CMP entity beans and entity components that use automatic persistence and optimistic concurrency control.

Auto-retry must be enabled for the component that initiates the transaction, which is typically a session bean in EJB applications. Auto-retry works only for intercomponent calls, not for direct invocations of entity beans from the Web tier or base clients.

Auto-retry can be configured in component and server properties as follows:

Auto-retry is not appropriate for all applications. For example, an end user may want to cancel a purchase if the item price has risen. If auto-retry is disabled, clients must be coded to retry or abort transactions that fail because of stale data. The exception thrown is CORBA::TRANSIENT (for EJB clients, this exception is the root cause of the java.rmi.RemoteException thrown by the EJB stub).

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring CMP isolation level

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