Create the glossary database and connection cache  Create the connection cache and associate it with the components

Chapter 4: Creating Enterprise JavaBeans Components and Clients

Start the glossary database server

Copy the file gloss.db from the html/docs/tutorial/ejb/database directory to the sample directory of your EAServer installation. Create a batch or script file to run the database server as described below.

StepsCreating and running the Windows batch file

  1. In the sample directory of your EAServer installation, create a batch file named run_gloss.bat, containing the commands below. These commands start the database server on port 2640. If that port is in use on your machine, edit the port number to an unused value:

    call %JAGUAR%\bin\setenv.bat
    cd %JAGUAR%\sample
    start  %JAGUAR_ASA80%\win32\dbsrv8 -x tcpip(ServerPort=2640) -n localhost gloss.db
  2. Start the database by running run_gloss.bat. For example, double-click this file in Windows Explorer.

StepsCreating and running the UNIX script file

  1. Edit the bin/ script in your EAServer installation, and verify that the SQLANY setting matches the location where you have installed Adaptive Server Anywhere.

  2. Create a text file run_gloss, containing the commands below. These commands start the database server on port 2640. If that port is in use on your machine, edit the port number to an unused value:

    # If JAGUAR is not set where you run this, uncomment this
    # line and edit the path to match your install location:
    #JAGUAR=/path/to/your/install export JAGUAR
    . $JAGUAR/bin/
    cd $JAGUAR/sample
    $SQLANY/bin/dbsrv7 -x "tcpip(ServerPort=2640)" -n localhost gloss.db
  3. Change the file permissions to allow the script to be executed. For example:

    chmod 777 run_gloss
  4. Run the script in a terminal window.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Create the connection cache and associate it with the components

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