Create the package and components  Define the Glossary entity bean

Chapter 4: Creating Enterprise JavaBeans Components and Clients

Define a new package

All components created in the EAServer tutorials are installed in the Tutorial package.

StepsCreating the Tutorial package if it does not exist

  1. In EAServer Manager, expand the servers folder, then expand the Jaguar server icon.

  2. Expand the Installed Packages folder. If the Tutorial package is displayed, skip to “Define the Glossary entity bean”.

  3. Highlight the Installed Packages folder, and select File | Install Package.

    In the Package wizard, select Create and Install a New Package.

    For the package name, enter Tutorial.

  4. Click Create New Package.

    You see the Package Properties window.

  5. Click OK.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Define the Glossary entity bean

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